Market access and environment shaping

Market research shows that research and development is a positive reputational asset for life sciences companies across all stakeholders, but only when the clinical benefits of the research can be realised by patients.

The life sciences industry is at the forefront of a medical revolution.  The pace of change is so great that major challenges persist in meeting regulatory hurdles, health economic thresholds and payors’ commercial requirements.

“We’re a spin-off company that has recently developed a truly game changing way of identifying patients with a hereditary risk of developing a particular breast cancer mutation.  We are developing a ‘vaccine’ that can significantly reduce the risk of an at risk individual developing this cancer.  We’ve been in early talks with payors and providers and they are clear that there is no health economic model available to them that will allow them to assess the cost effectiveness of a personalised cancer preventative medicine.  The clinical community is hugely excited by our science, but there is little political or public momentum to make any change to the system this early in the clinical development cycle”

We understand that successful market access outcomes don’t happen in a vacuum.  They reflect public and political priorities, and more often than not delays in making game changing science available to patients is as a result of a failure of the healthcare system to adapt to the challenge in time.

We have 20 years of high level experience at shaping national and regional operating environments, with some of the highest impact UK national health funding outcomes in recent years.

We’ll work with you to:

  • Integrate your market access, communications and policy campaigns to build need and deliver solutions
  • Prioritise market access objectives according to your portfolio and pipeline hurdles
  • Align your cross company activities and expert teams to target the ‘must win’ market access battles
  • Map the stakeholders who have real influence, who influences them and through which channels to reach them
  • Quantify the upsides of successfully navigating access challenges and the downsides of delay
  • Structure the teams, processes and workloads to optimise the chance of success

We can help you optimise your approach to market access with our:

  • Expertise at working with stakeholders in the NHS, civil service, Parliament, patient groups and the media.
  • Experience of high profile and game changing market access campaigns that have led to accelerated access for patients
  • Flexibility, to meet the minute-by-minute sensitivities of a high stakes market a
  • Perceptiveness, our market access campaigns anticipate the need for significant environmental change, and this requires a forward looking, sensitive approach to finding a solution that meets the needs of all sides
  • Resilience, shifting the operating environment, particularly in restrictive or austerity markets takes time and commitment.  We won’t offer you quick fixes where they don’t exist and we won’t turn our backs on a challenge

If you are looking for support in building integrated campaigns that make changes to the operating environment in order to achieve positive market access outcomes then let us know a little bit more about your needs below: